Waldorf Chicken Salad

Originally posted by Jess – February 18 ,2015


If you have followed this epic chicken tale for the past 3 days, you’ve probably noticed by now that I tend to cook by the seat of my pants. Unlike my formally trained counterpart Sarah, everything I know about cooking has been learned from trial and error- lots and LOTS of error. I tend to love forgiving recipes, as (if you follow this blog you’ll know) I often need to be forgiven in my cooking.

This brings me to the 4th recipe I’ll be making with this lovely bird.

Yummy in a wrap, on top of a salad, or just by itself!

I love this recipe because it is very forgiving and is fun to play with taste-wise. Make it a game to keep the balance of flavors! If you are using strong ingredients like Springdell celery or red onion, maybe add a little more sweet chunks like a few red grapes or plump golden raisins. If you are using sweet apples or vanilla yogurt (which tends to be sweetened) then maybe forego the honey, or add unsweetened dried cranberries and/or celery seed to counter balance the sweet with some tartness. Below I include ingredients as suggestions only, but please, as always, make it your own and have fun!


About Jess

Jess Anderson is the creator of CSA|365 and is passionate about the local food movement. A long time member of Springdell and a busy mother of two, Jess loves keeping her family fed by honest local food.