Red Kuri Squash “Steaks” and Eggs

Originally Posted by Jess – September 24, 2015

Tonight I planned to post about how to break down a Springdell Chicken, but when I realized it was going to be a loooooong involved post, I decided we’ll need to give it breathing room in it’s own post, (rather than in a blurb at the end of the “Tell”).  Instead, tonight I’d love to check-in about a squash that’s been getting some buzz on the Springdell CSA Facebook page in recent days.  I’m talking about the Red Kuri Squash!  

For those of you that have a red kuri and aren’t quite sure where to start, I wanted to share this recipe from Not Eating Out In NY.  We love it here at the Anderson Household (and squash is usually a lukewarm veggie with my boys).  To hopefully entice you, here’s an older photo of this recipeserved atop a bed of my kale dusted hash browns.


I have not received a red kuri during my share pickup this season, perhaps tomorrow, or perhaps a different squash will grace my crate.  It’s part of the charm of the CSA, you just never know what’s coming your way!  Even between the squashes there are many different varieties.  Looking at the Not Eating out in NY red kuri squash, it looks much different than the variety we have seen at the ‘Dell (which to me looks more like an orange Hubbard- except you can eat the peel of a kuri!)  Please don’t hesitate to check in with us if there is a variety you’re not sure about, cooking-wise or otherwise.  We are here to help and to learn with you!  As always, we look forward to storing and enjoying the venerable cornucopia of Springdell goodness with you over the coming fall days.

About Jess

Jess Anderson is the creator of CSA|365 and is passionate about the local food movement. A long time member of Springdell and a busy mother of two, Jess loves keeping her family fed by honest local food.