Archives: Recipes

A CSA|365 recipe or link to an external recipe that we like.

The “Tell” – Springdell Summer CSA Pickup #7

Hi everyone, Jess here. I hope all is going well on your end, and that you are enjoying your summer, as well as these lovely summer veggies! Let’s take a look at the 7th pickup of the Springdell Summer Season. Corn Quick boiled and served in a puddle of Amish […]

The “Show” – Springdell Summer CSA Pickup #7

Hi everyone, Jess here, reporting in from an island somewhere in Maine. Before I explain a little more what me and my veggies are doing here, let me just say that I hope you’ll check out The “Tell” from pickup 6 if you haven’t already, there’s some good stuff there. […]

The “Tell” – Springdell Summer CSA Pickup #6

Hi everyone, Jess here to recap the 6th pickup of the Springdell Summer CSA Season. It was a beauty of a week, and we certainly enjoyed this lovely produce! As I reflect on this season-to-date, I feel like my recipes have been more hack-jobs and seat-of-my-pants meals than the usual […]