Poached Haddock with Aromatics

Hello everyone, Jess here.  

It’s Tuesday, I drive by the Tuesday farmer’s market on my way home from the kid’s swimming lessons, and the seafood on the Town Common calls to me…  “Take me home, Jess!”  Last Tuesday, it was scallops calling to me (which ended up with that lovely kale pesto and butter lettuce).  Tonight, the haddock called to me the loudest, and won a one-way ticket to yummy town.

Here are the garlic scapes from yesterday’s swap box.  As you can see I trimmed off the bulbous parts at the top and the tough part of the stems at the bottom.  The tough parts went into a baking pan layered over some lemon slices (yes, the tough parts, you read this correctly.  Save the tender parts of the scape for another recipe)!

On top of the garlic scapes and lemon, I placed a thin bed of the fennel fronds, then put the fish on top, followed by another layer of fennel fronds.imageI drizzled some olive oil, then tightly covered the baking pan with foil and placed in the oven for 10 minutes before checking it.  The fish was pretty thin so it poached pretty quickly, (about 15 minutes total).  At high temperatures, it doesn’t take long to cook through, 20-25 minutes is a while.  At any rate, try not to overcook, check it, when it’s opaque you’re good.  

Meanwhile, I made a side dish involving garlic scapes (the tender part), kale, bacon and lemon.  More on that in another post!


The fennel adds a very faint sweetness to the fish.  That coupled with the flavor of the garlic and lemon made this one a winner!  Hope you like it too!

About Jess

Jess Anderson is the creator of CSA|365 and is passionate about the local food movement. A long time member of Springdell and a busy mother of two, Jess loves keeping her family fed by honest local food.