Originally posted by Jess – August 27, 2015
For those of you that venture into the pick-your-own herb garden at Springdell, have you checked out this herb?

“Tea?!!?! You can’t be serious.” Oh, I’m serious. In fact, the night before leaving for vacation, I had a cup.
Simply dry out your catnip in a dehydrator, or using a bit of time in the oven on a cookie sheet at a very low temp until just crispy. I made this batch alongside some kale for chips and kale powder – it was a multitasking moment.
Next, grab your tea bulb and insert your gently crumbled catnip along with any other herbs you may enjoy.
Steep your tea for a few and enjoy. In the interest of exploring its flavor, I didn’t mix any other herbs in this time. Pure catnip tea tastes reminiscent of thyme to me. I might try some lavender or anise with it next time.
There will be a next time, as this tea is similar to a “sleepy time” tea and it’s medicinal effects were most desired: to facilitate a good night’s rest before our journey north the next morning. Normally, I’m up late the night before any vacation, checking and double checking bags, generally worrying that I’m forgetting something, etc. Not this time, thanks to catnip tea! Thank you, Springdell!