Carrot Rice

Originally posted by Sarah – January 31, 2015


We eat a ton of rice in my house because it’s gluten free and good for you.  Plain rice can get pretty tiresome after a while and I look for ways to change it up.  A great way to do that is color.  We often get such beautiful multi colored heirloom carrots in our share so why not try that?  I took one red, one white, and 2 purple carrots and shredded them on the largest holes in my box grater.  Beautiful!


I diced up some onion and sweat it in the pan, being sure not to brown the onion at all, just drawing out its flavor and softening the onion.  Then I cooked the rice with the onions accordingly with stock for added flavor.  When the rice was done I took the cover off and added the shredded carrots and fluffed it together with the rice.  (Always fluff your rice with a fork, if you stir it, it can become mushy). I put in a touch of Amish roll butter and put the cover back on the pan and let it sit 2-3 minutes.  This way the carrots are not raw but just barely cooked, giving the rice a bit of sweetness and a slight crunch.  Enjoy!


About Sarah

Sarah is a trained chef and owner of Whisk Baked Goods. She lives in Chelmsford with her husband and two active boys. Sarah is passionate about food, loves eating local, and cooking gluten free foods.