Recipe Types: Tip or Method

Zucchini Boats

Another delicious use of pumpkin or squash puree if you have some kicking around. Add some shredded chicken or other yummy protein to your zucchini and rice to make this a complete meal!

Kale and Sausage Soup A La Springdell

This recipe almost didn’t happen as we were on vacation and I forgot the sausage back home. That being said, it’s a great make ahead soup. Thank goodness Sarah had some! Check this one out to see frozen stock and parsley in action. It makes things so much easier!

French Bread Pizza with Veggies

This is just a quick mention for those “in case of emergency make pizza” kind of moments. You’ll like this much better than the takeout you were thinking of! Sarah used scallions, tomatoes and mozzarella cheese on gluten-free bread, but you can mix it up!