Recipe Types: Soups and Sauces

Chilled Coconut Corn Soup

If you’re looking for a hearty vegan option for your summer corn bounty, this soup has the semblance of a sweet potato or butternut squash chowder, as the corn provides a similar sweetness to the potatoes. Avocado and coconut milk provide some quality fats and nutrition, while ginger adds a nice touch. I skipped the cilantro garnish as it wasn’t in season, but I bet it’s good if you have better luck growing cilantro than me! The toasted coconut garnish is great on it’s own!

Collard Green Noodles with Homemade Thai Peanut Sauce

This one does collard greens for me, as preparing them in this manner allows them to reach a pleasant taste and consistency without being cooked for hours next to meat. The Thai peanut sauce recipe (from She Simmers) included is great with many other dishes as well.