Ingredient: Pumpkin

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  • Description-

A pumpkin is a squash plant which grows on a vine. They are smooth but have ribbed skin that is yellow to orange in color.  Inside the pumpkin are seeds and pulp.  Pumpkins are associated with fall holidays.

  • Preparation-

To cook a sugar pumpkin for culinary use you need to half the pumpkin and remove the seeds and pulp. Roast the oven until the pumpkin flesh is soft.  Cool, scoop out the flesh and use.  ** the seeds of pumpkins are edible, they are delicious roasted and salted**

  • Varieties-

There are countless numbers of pumpkin varieties, sugar pumpkins!

  • Storage-

Pumpkins can be stored for 30-90 days if kept in a cool environment.

  • Nutrition- Potassium, Vitamin A, C, B6, fiber



Recipes Using Pumpkin

Pumpkin Pie

Who needs canned pumpkin?!?!? Many squashes in the Anderson household wind up in pie. We love it! You can make this with a mixture of other winter squashes as well. Check out the Hubbard squash pie for another alternative!

Squash Soup in the Squash

You can make this one using a pumpkin OR a squash, pick your “bowl” and go to town! This recipe can be quite flexible. Use veggie broth if you want to keep it vegetarian. Parmesan cheese is quite yummy with this combo.