Ingredient: Parsnips

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Parsnips– (root vegetable)

  • Description

Parsnips are the same size and shape as carrots, but have a totally different flavor.   They look like a white carrot with a creamy texture and sweet flavor. They have a woody core, the larger the parsnip, the tougher the core will be.


  • Preparation

Parsnips can be roasted, pureed, boiled, steamed, or mashed.  They can be used in recipes that call for carrots.

  • Storage

For those storing the beets, carrots and parsnips, Farmer Jamie reminds us that a good way to preserve your root veggies is to give them a good rinse and pat dry when you get them home. Toss them in a ziploc bag in the fridge, and this will help to avoid the wilty wobbly veggies. Separate greens from the veggies right away too (such as with the radishes). If the bite of a radish is too much, you can cut them and leave them soaking in water in the fridge for a few days, and this will reduce the bite while keeping the veggies crisp.

These roots store for longer periods in a root cellar. Click on “Carrots” to see homemade root cellar options.

  • Nutrition

Vitamin C and K, folate, potassium, fiber


Roast em up with other root veggies, drizzle with melted butter and maple syrup!

Recipes Using Parsnips

Carrots Parsnips and Bacon with Citrus Zest

A favorite of Sarah’s, this dish is crunchy yet creamy, it’s salty, sweet, and fresh. It’s done in 30 minutes, only one pan is used, and it plates as a beautiful dish.

Leftover Thanksgiving Casserole

Such an awesome way to breathe life into those leftovers. This recipe is not limited to holiday dinner leftovers. It’s a flexible dish depending on what leftovers you have, so as always, make it your own. Bake up some scorn squash for a layer, potatoes, root veggies, poultry or shredded beef, use your imagination and enjoy the results!