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Cornmeal is a coarse flour made from dried corn. It can be ground to different consistencies such as fine, medium, and coarse. Each type has different uses in the kitchen.
Cornmeal has many uses but is popular used in baked goods and frying, as well as famously, polenta.
Blue cornmeal, yellow cornmeal, white cornmeal
Store cornmeal in a cool, dry area. Once the package is open you need to store the cornmeal in an airtight container or ziplock bag to prevent insects, they love cornmeal. To make your cornmeal last longer keep it in the refrigerator or freezer.
Iron, Phosphorus, folic acid, thiamine, riboflavin
Cornmeal Mush can be made for breakfast, similar to cream of wheat. It can also be made mashed potato style, adding a little salt and butter.

Polenta is a popular Italian side dish that is also a perfect accompaniment for sopping up delicious barbecue flavors off of a plate. See below for a link to a basic polenta recipe.
Recipes Using Corn Meal
Got picky eaters that somehow enjoy supermarket fish sticks better than baked fish fresh from the sea? Perhaps give this one a try! It’s baked, local and light years healthier than the processed minced fish you’ll find in the frozen food section. You can use haddock or cod in this one.
My family usually does not do brussels sprouts. When I served this to my other half, he said “if you want me to eat more brussels sprouts, you can make me this anytime”! This one is easy to make over the course of a few days in quick 5 minute spurts. (Bake the cornbread, let it go stale, blanch the brussels sprouts and you’re ready for a quick and easy dish!) If using Four Star Farms corn meal from the farmstand, you can grind it a little smaller for an even better cornbread texture. It’s a keeper!
I used ricotta and parmesean cheese here, you need to keep the ricotta but feel free to play around with other cheeses to mix with the ricotta.