Sweet Potato and Quinoa Chili
Sweet potato and/or yams work here. Unlike many chilis that improve with age, we have found this fresh chili dish is best served the first day.
It was suggested to me (and I love suggestions) that some of you might like to hear about the quick-soak method for how to get the garbanzos from bag to bowl relatively quickly in the event that you forgot to do an overnight soaking. Here is a good link to a fellow blogger’s description in case you ever need it.
Also, if you have a pressure cooker, you can shave even more time off with a “quicker-soaking” method! Just cover the beans in enough water to cover them and pressure cook them for 5 minutes. You then let the pressure release naturally, and then your beans are ready to cook. This method works with other beans & peas as well.
Sweet potato and/or yams work here. Unlike many chilis that improve with age, we have found this fresh chili dish is best served the first day.