Hello everyone, Jess here. I hope everyone’s enjoying the holidays, and gearing up for a happy and healthy new year! I’m very much looking forward to starting my 6th year in partnership with my Springdell Farm! It is truly an honor to serve my ever growing farm family. It’s a passion for me as your blogger to provide support in living the locavore lifestyle, and likewise, I greatly appreciate the support you provide me in return. Here’s to another great year, my Fellow Farm Family!
For now, let’s take a look at the 4th pickup of Springdell’s Winter CSA Season.

- Muddy Water Coffee– Bali Blue Moon (Medium Roast) or Guatemalan (Medium to Dark Roast) Varieties. Tim Van Sipe of Muddy Water fame recommends storing your coffee in a cool dry place, such as a pantry. Some folks store coffee in the freezer, but Tim cautions that the coffee degrades when you take it out and put it back in. If you are not a coffee drinker, share it with friends, use it as a dry rub on a roast, or whip up some coffee ice cream or chocolate covered coffee beans!
- Macomber Turnip –A delicious varietal of turnip that originated locally in Westport, MA. It’s a cross between a turnip and a rutabaga, and has a pleasant sweet taste, sometimes slightly bitter as they get larger (and they can grow quite large- these are not huge). Try them roasted with apple, mashed with a splash of cream, in a soup, or if you have time and interest, in this Finnish Turnip Casserole. If you’d like to feature your turnips as a main course, this soufflé is a fave of mine. If you have a lobster connection, this Macomber and Lobster Stew, though not yet tested here, sounds absolutely divine!
- Tomatoes (from Backyard Farms, Maine)
- Potatoes
- Carrots
- Garlic
- Mushrooms– Delicious with Cube Steak!
- Onions
- Lettuce
- Bacon Ends or Pork Hocks (Try Grandma’s Corn Chowder, a recipe shared by Farmer Jamie, or click on the Bacon Ends Link for at least a dozen possibilities for usage!)
- Springdell Beef (I got Cube Steak and Ground Beef)

That’s about it for this week! As always, please feel free to check in with questions, comments, concerns etc. I’ll always do my best to answer any farm food related questions that you may have. Until next time, I look forward to seeing you back here soon for another installment of the Springdell Show and Tell!