Hi everyone, Jess here with today’s pickup for both groups A&B! This, my friends, is a beautiful way to ring in the new year!

- Muddy Water Coffee (Decaf)
- Ocean Spray Cranberries
- Florida Citrus
- Red Leaf Lettuce
- Russet Potatoes
- Carrots
- Pea Shoots from Johnny Putt Farm
- Mushrooms
- Eggs
- Garlic
- Milk and Cream from Tully Farms Dairy
- Breakfast Sausage
- Green Meanie Hot Sauce from Town Farm Gardens, Brookfield, MA
EDIT- some folks got bean sprouts and cooking apples in their shares. Click on these to see some recipe options!
I also stopped by the Jordan Brothers truck to grab some scallops and shrimp. Danny had sold out of salmon by the time I arrived, but if you managed to get some, try this recipe for Orange Hoisin Glazed Salmon! I’m planning to try this Honey Orange Firecracker Shrimp and will report back. I still owe you a couple of recipes for last week’s pork chops with creamy pan gravy and pan seared scallops with that awesome slaw and cider shallot reduction. I can assure you they are in the works, so stay tuned!

I updated the website today, please let me know if there are any glitches you notice along the way, so I can keep things running smoothly, and thanks.
A quick reminder of the Winter Event coming on January 12th from 2-4 pm at Groton Grange, “A Closer Look Into the Family Farm“. Come check it out!
I’m looking forward to cooking with you this week! As always, share ideas, ask questions, I’m here to help you enjoy this food in real-time! Until next time, sweet and savory dreams to you!