Hi everyone, Jess here with a recap of the 1st 2017 Canning Swap!
I must say, canning is a labor of love, but one that becomes most appreciated during the wintertime, special occasions and power outages.
When the end of the summer CSA season approaches, I believe that each of us looks at a basket of goodies like this one of two ways: Either we pass right by with a “no thank you, I’ve had enough of XYZ veggie”, or we have twinkles in our eyes checking our schedules to see how we can fit a canning session into the next 24-48 hours. It’s sometimes hard to look at a veggie with love when you’ve just eaten five pounds of it. This is the best time to preserve, however, as your wintertime self will be longing for a locally grown pepper or tomato. Freezing is a great way to preserve things, as it’s simple and quick. Canning is just a tiny bit more complicated, but once you’ve done it once or twice, you realize it’s not too hard to squeak into the evening hours. Plus, with canning you have unlimited space versus the finite space of your freezer.
At this year’s Halloween Bash (2017) we had our very first Springdell Canning Swap! It was so awesome to chat with so many fellow Springdellians who were either veteran canners, or like me were relatively new to the whole canning experience. Many of you, much like myself, lived in fear of accidentally giving one of our family members botulism. Many of you, also much like myself, pushed through the fear and tried it anyway, only to find out how simple it is (and really, how hard it is to mess it up).
Some of the recipes that were swapped at this year’s canning swap included the following:
Jalapeño Pepper Jelly (From the Ball Blue Book. So many visitors tried to buy this one from the swap table, I had to explain it was not for sale, wonderful with cream cheese on a simple cracker).
Tomato Jam (From Food In Jars, this one is excellent with farm stand goat cheese).
Peaches in Ultra Light Syrup (From The Ball Book of Home Canning and Preserving)
Thai Hot Pepper Jelly
Tomato Sauce
Some recipes are pending and I’ll edit this post to include the links when they come in.
I must say, I was flattered by how many Canning Swap samplers opened their wallets ready to purchase the jars full of jellies, jams, fruits, etc…. Though I’m not set up to sell them, I hope that I successfully sell the idea that canning yourself can be simple, fun, and totally worthwhile! It’s truly a great way to make the most of your CSA.
I am hesitant to try canning, but will be trying in 2018 so I don’t have to do all freezer.
Have any of you considered running “canning 101” as a workshop?
Hi Julie, thanks for checking in! I feel like canning is one of those rites of passage. Once you try it, it gets a lot easier and less daunting. A workshop would be a wonderful idea! I’d definitely need help but if there’s enough interest, maybe we could make it happen! 🙂
I am so sorry I had to miss the Halloween Bash and the First 2017 Canning Swap! Can I ask, I wouldn’t mind helping to organize it, that we plan another for this Spring (of 2018) and another in the Summer (of 2018) and another in the Fall (of 2018)? In other words, I am also an avid Canner (no matter the Season and Fruits or Vegetables in season from Massachusetts and New Jersey) and I would Love us to expand our Canning Swaps. I also Love using my Dehydrated and it would be fun to show all the CSA Members what you can do with a Dehydrator and an Oven on Low. Jess let’s talk after the Holidays! Now bring on our delicious Winter CSA Shares!!
Thanks Kathleen, yes let’s talk after the holidays for sure! I think it’s a great idea to make it a regular event but I know I’d need help to do it more than annually. I also like the idea that Julie just mentioned about a canning 101 workshop! So much to try, so little time! 🙂