Hi everyone, Jess here with the 13th Summer CSA pickup of the season, and I must say, it’s a beauty!
I think that every color of the rainbow is represented here. I felt like a kid in a candy store perusing this week’s crate of goodies. It is so wonderful to think of all the local flavors in these share boxes, and lots of new fruits and veggies hitting the share box this week, along with the usual suspects.
- butter & sugar corn
- acorn squash
- heirloom cherry tomatoes
- heirloom tomatillos
- watermelon (try this one with the tomatillos and watermelon!)
- saladette tomatoes
- crookneck summer squash
- bell peppers
- Cortland or Gala apples (click the link to compare pics and see which kind you got!)
- jalapeƱo peppers
- Italian peppers
- radish
- dill (I was enamored by the blue cloth surrounding tonight’s dill until I confirmed that it’s just a paper towel used to keep the herbs moist during transport.)
- rainbow chard
- Genovese basil
- carrots
- pears
- grapes (From Sean at Trombly Garden in Milford, NH, a friend of Farmer Jamie. Jamie, thanks for having such sweet friends!)
- eggs
- zinnias
This is quite the bounty! I’m ready to sliver some pears into a crumbled log of that blue goat cheese from the farm stand. Add a few walnuts and a drizzle of maple balsamic glaze, maybe even a few of those grapes! I’m dreaming, however, tonight I went with the old standby. Have I mentioned that Mozzarella House cheese is melt in your mouth good, especially with fresh tomato and basil.
Have you been reading all about the exciting things happening on the farm? Farmer Jamie is logging out a large part of the back area of the farm on the west side. She’s re-doing the irrigation pond, and talking about some grand ideas such as a picnic area for visitors and even a Christmas tree plot! She’s making some bold decisions that I think would make her ancestors proud.
It’s so nice to see the farm getting dressed up for the fall, and this coming year sounds like one of the most exciting at the farm yet!
How are you cooking your CSA this week? I look forward to cooking with you!