Hello everyone! Jess and Sarah here to bring you the 6th “Show” of the Springdell Show and Tell!
You may have heard about the recent Pokemon Go craze, and that our beloved Springdell Farms is a “Poke-Stop” in the game. As a result, folks are wandering the grounds at night, pulling in and out of the parking lot during peak hours, taking up valuable parking spaces, and not stopping to pay patron to the stand. As a reader of this blog, we’re preaching to the choir, however it is our hope for our farm and farmers that the folks coming to play the game will also support the grounds by grabbing a soda, fruit snack, or something as a thank you for visiting. Here’s hoping!
Speaking of characters around the farm, Sarah picked one up along with her share box today. Everyone meet Flat Farmer! He is traveling around to US farms, and made a stop at our very own Springdell Farms. Farmer Jamie thought Flat Farmer would enjoy a day in the life of a CSA365 food blogger so he is here to cook with Sarah this week, you will see him return in her posts!
Let’s take a look at what is in share box #6
- 24 ears of butter & sugar corn
- 6 salad cukes
- 4 slicing cukes
- 1 blueberry
- 1 bag o’ beans
- 1 bunch of winter kale
- 1 bunch of red Russian kale
- 1 bunch of Genovese Basil
- 1 bunch of carrots
Just a side note for those who may not have caught the note on the board…the value of a full share without any add-ons is $42.75 this week, a great way to see how you really do get your money out of your share!
- 2 rainbow chard
This chard is the biggest we have ever seen, couldn’t get over the size…neither could Flat Farmer.
- 2 blueberries
As l sit and write out this post to you I’m dreaming of delicious ways to use all of that corn. Have a great week everyone!