Hello everyone, Jess and Sarah here.
What a chaotic couple of weeks it has been!
Nan went to the hospital following a stroke, and is currently rehabbing with great success. All prayers and good thoughts are most welcome.
Jess got shellfish poisoning (it was karma as the shellfish wasn’t local). She passed out in front of the toilet, hit her head on the bathroom floor, and is now sporting a respectable shiner. Some follow up testing will tell if her brain is any more rattled than usual.
The Buck family had a stomach bug pass through not only their house, but their entire neighborhood!
Somehow we made it through and managed to stay on schedule, not missing a daily post of recipes or ingredients. Lets reflect!
- Springdell bacon
- Stuffed Chicken Breasts
- Breakfast Burritos
- Chopped and sprinkled on pasta
- Eggs
- Meat Loaf
- Omelettes
- Egg and Cheese Sandwiches
- Breakfast Burritos
- Milk from High Lawn Farm in Lee, MA
- Enjoyed as is
- Apple Cider
- Goat Cheese from Westfield farm in Hubbardston, MA
- Spread on crackers
- Crumbled on salads
- Blue Cheese Mashed Potatoes
- Roasted Tomatoes with Herbed Goat Cheese
- Beet Tarts with Goat Cheese
- Oranges
- Tomatoes
- Sliced on sandwiches
- Roasted Tomatoes with Herbed Goat Cheese
- Bok Choy
- Shiitake Mushrooms
- With herb butter as a topper for steak
- Sesame Bok Choy and Shiitake Mushrooms
- Potatoes
- Turkey Tenderloin with roasted potatoes
- Breakfast Burritos
- Cheesy Hasselback potatoes
- Hash Brown Waffles
- Curried Potatoes and Parsnips
- Beets
- roasted for hummus and veggie wraps
- Beet Tarts with Goat Cheese
- Carrots
- roasted for hummus and veggie wraps
- honey carrots
- Mashed Carrot and Parsnip Whip
- Parsnips (Jess only)
- Beef and Winter Vegetable Stew (Sarah used some from the previous share)
- Curried Potatoes and Parsnips
- Mashed Carrot and Parsnip Whip
- Turnips (Sarah only)
- roasted for hummus and veggie wraps
- Beef and Winter Vegetable Stew
- Onions
- Meat Loaf
- Beet Tarts with Goat Cheese
Since the last “Show”, we’ve added information on the following ingredients in the Veggie-Scope:
Here are our featured recipes since the last “Show”:
Sesame Bok Choy and Shiitake Mushrooms
Beet Tarts with Goat Cheese (recommended by a fellow Springdellian)
Roasted Tomatoes with Herbed Goat Cheese
Beef and Winter Vegetable Stew
Curried Potatoes and Parsnips (Recommended by Fellow Springdellian Susan M)
Here are where some of our Springdell Meats have been going since the last “Show” –
Steak, Honey Carrots, Hasselback Potato, Mushrooms
Turkey Tenderloins and Potatoes
Pan Seared Apple Glazed Pork Chops for Sunday Dinner
Chicken Salad Sandwich with Tomatoes
The blue cheese that didn’t wind up in the potatoes ended served with a Springdell burger on a local Piantedosi roll.
We had some melt-in-your-mouth Springdell beef with some Slow Cooker Cream of Mushroom Soup from the chest freezer.
A recipe for this Slow Cooker Goat Curry is coming.
Here are a few honorable mentions!

We had some fun this week shooting a video for the Fresh Start Food Gardens School project. This is putting a garden into every school in Westford! Following filming, Elizabeth of Fat Moon and Fresh Start cooked up some bacon and cheese waffles. We had a few hash brown waffles too. Thanks for a yummy lunch, Elizabeth!
Feeling the CSA love this week, and looking forward to checking back in with you tomorrow for the 8th “Show” of the Springdell Winter CSA Season.