Hello, everyone! The cooking party continues! There have been SO MANY wonderful recipes being cooked and shared here on the blog, in the comments, on the Facebook page, and even in the ‘Dell Declaration! We won’t get to highlight them all today without making the post super-duper long. However, please rest assured that a full database of the shared CSA recipes (with links) is in the process of being consolidated and will be made available to all of you at some point, hopefully sooner than later. In the meantime, let’s recap as much as we can from this past week.
- silver king corn
- Succotash
- Corn on the Cob (I know, but it’s just so good!!!)
- Mexican Street Corn
- cabbage
- Sauerkraut with Caraway and Crabapples (one remains in Jess’ fridge as they store pretty well)
- Core thinly sliced and sautéed with Amish Roll Butter
- Slaw
- eggplant
- Eggplant Parmesan with Summer Marinara
- Breaded Eggplant Cutlets frozen for later use
- Baba Ganoush
- stuffing squash
- Stuffed Squash
- Wating for use this coming week
- zucchini
- Stuffed Zucchini
- Summer Marinara
- veggie platter for Baba Ganoush
- bell peppers
- Stuffed Bell Peppers
- veggie platter for Baba Ganoush
- taco topping
- banana peppers
- Baked Chile Rellenos (I’ll share more on this)
- Stuffed with Cheese, Wrapped in Bacon and Baked
- tomatillos
- heirloom cherry tomato box
- Roasted (some of the roasted ones were added to the Stuffing Mixture, some were added to the Sopes mixture)
- veggie platter for Baba Ganoush
- eaten as is for snacks
- heirloom tomatoes
- Grilled Cheese, Tomato, Bacon and Kale Sandwich
- Summer Marinara
- taco toppings
- waiting to be made into sauce
- squished peaches
- Chunky Peach Tomatillo Salsa with Sopes
- Squished Peach Clafoutis (can also use plums, see below)
- tomatillo and Peach Salsa
- bunch of basil
- Summer Marinara
- In the Chunky Peach Tomatillo Salsa With Sopes
- More Pesto Cubes for Winter!
- added to sandwiches
- scrambled eggs with basil and chives
- beefsteak tomatoes
- golden zucchini
- taco toppings
- bag of shell beans
- Succotash
- boiled and tossed with basil and bacon
- kale
- Kale Chips (lacinato)
- In Grilled Cheese with Bacon, Tomato and Kale Sandwiches (winterbor)
- Sautéed with Heirloom Onion and Balsamic Vinegar Glaze (leftovers scrambled with eggs the next day!)
- Stems in Jess’ daily smoothies, as always
- smoothie of the week
- Eggs
- Squished Peach Clafoutis (can also use plums, see below)
- Scrambled with Kale
- Baked Chile Rellenos
- scrambled with basil and chives
All veggie scraps composted unless otherwise noted.
Now for a quick word from Jess:
I noticed that many of folks at the pickups this week had plums instead of peaches in their share boxes. As we had peaches, I thought it would be a good time to highlight an easy Anderson family favorite with some of these delicious peaches. Clafoutis (or clafoutis) is a light and delicious custard-type dessert, and works just as easily with plums as it does with peaches.
Tonight’s recipe adaptation is originally from the one and only diva of domestic, Martha Stewart. My only adaptation was to basically halve the recipe ingredients as most of our peaches were devoured before I had a chance to stash 4 1/2 cups worth. Even halving the recipe makes a sizable amount.

Mix your ingredients (except for the fruit) and pour them into your baking dish, then add the fruit (so some of the fruit sits on top a bit.)

Into the oven and 30-ish minutes later, I had this. Definitely not as pretty as Martha’s, but sure tasty!

Sprinkle with powdered sugar at the end. (My kids helped, hence the sugar was a little heavy-handed in parts as you can see). Always a hit. Thanks, Martha for tonight’s version! Please note there are many adaptations out there for those that prefer allergen free, low sugar, etc. I hope you like it!

Oh, and the Sauerkraut with Caraway and Crabapple experiment is still fermenting, but my one-week test batch tastes promising!
Alas, here are few of the highlights from the Springdell CSA Facebook page (I wish we could get to them all!)

Kelly O posted a pic of her rendition of Heather Christo’s Lemon Summer Squash Bread. Yum!

Ann B (photo) visited Carlsbad Cravings for this veggie-rich Chipotle BBQ Chicken Salad with Tomatillo Avocado Ranch Dressing. Looks good enough to eat! Thanks for sharing, Ann!

Jeffrey’s stuffed peppers with black beans, rice, tomatoes, cheese, sautéed onions and green peppers look quite scrumptious. I’m ready to dig in!
Thanks for reading, have a wonderful night and we’ll see you tomorrow for the 10th “Show” of the Springdell Show and Tell!