It is once again time for the “Tell” of the “Springdell Show and Tell”, where we revisit the contents of the weekly share box, and tell how each item was used. There was a full rainbow of produce in this week’s share boxes!
5 cucumbers (2 in the small share)
- Raspberry Mozzerella Salad
- Slivered in Summer Fresh Rolls
- In Cucumber Basil and Mint Soup
- Mixed Springdell Salad
- With a Roasted Garlic and Chive Dip
- Sliced with Kid’s Lunches
- 3 blueberry (Jess got 2)
- Enjoyed in breakfast oatmeal
- Devoured by the Kids as-is
- Bluebarb Crisp
- 1 raspberry (Jess got 2)
- Raspberry Mozzerella Salad
- Devoured by the Kids as-is
- 1 heirloom stuffing squash(Jess Only)
- It was small and perfect lunch size for the extra Collard Green Stuffing mix.
- zucchini
- Grilled Zucchini
- 1 bag o’ wax beans
- Pad Thai
- Steamed and enjoyed with Butter Sauce
- 10 summer squash (6 in the small share)
- Pad Thai
- With a Roasted Garlic and Chive Dip
- Grilled Summer Squash
- Cooked up for quick lunches
- Stored for next week’s recipes
- Summer Squash Fritters (Recipe coming soon!)
- 1 bunch carrots
- Sliced and sauteed for lunch
- Used in Kid’s Lunches
- With a Roasted Garlic and Chive Dip
- Carrot Tops in Pesto (Sarah is posting on this tomorrow)
- Carrot Top Tea
- 2 heads of lettuce
- With a Roasted Garlic and Chive Dip
- In Summer Fresh Rolls
- Raspberry Mozzerella Salad
- With Fresh Mozzarella and a Tomato Basil Purée
- Lettuce Wraps used for all of the leftover veggies from various meals
- 1 bunch kale (full share only)
- In Smoothies
- Kale Chips
- 1 bunch collards (Jess had 2- one that was left in the swap box)
- A double batch of Slow Cooker Stuffed Collard Greens, stems also were slow cooked with the rolls
- 2 heads of pak choi
- Green Smoothies
- Mirin-Braised Pak Choi with Shiitake Mushrooms
- 1 bag of spinach
- In Smoothies
- In Summer Fresh Rolls
- Wilted as a side dish with Springdell Garlic
- Eaten raw in salads
- Eggs
All veggie scraps were composted unless otherwise specified. And now for a word from Jess:
Another week of delicious veggies has come and gone. This week’s cooking adventure took us over 100 miles from home, but it didn’t stop us from enjoying our veggies. While on vacation, and with an opportunity to be grilling on a deck with a view of Mt. Washington, it was hard not to grill up these beauties. Brushed with a bit of butter and sprinkled with a bit of kosher salt, it is a simple and scrumptious side dish.
Fellow Springdellian Sharon M shared a yummy looking recipe link on the Springdell CSA Facebook page for Summer Squash and Onions with Brown Sugar. Thanks for sharing, Sharon!
Other great ideas being shared in the Cyber’Dell include Kale Salad with several variations, Collard Green Chips, Blueberry Pancakes, and Kale Pesto. There is a big buzz right now about Carrot Top Pesto! Tune in tomorrow when Sarah shares more about this yummy option for your tops! Until tomorrow!