Happy July to our Fellow Springdellians! Today is the day where we review the items from last week’s CSA Pickup, and how they all ended up in our bellies.
From the above CSA boxes:
- 3 quarts strawberries
- Simple Strawberry Stovetop Jam (Jess’ five year-old loves this on toast)
- Strawberry and Rhubarb Ginger Jam
- Camper-Friendly Strawberry Fool
- Enjoyed as-is
- 1 bag of snow peas
- 1 bag of snap peas
- Enjoyed as-is
- Chopped and used in salad
- Sugar Snap Pea and Ricotta Toasts
- 1 bunch of lacinato kale
- Enjoyed as-is (Jess’ kids have been pretending these are lollipops and eat around the stems, which were saved for smoothies- we’ll see how long this raw kale thing lasts!)
- Green Smoothies
- Southwestern Salad
- 1 head of lettuce
- Enjoyed in a salad mixed with some homegrown greens and homemade peanut sauce
- 1 bunch of collard greens
- Garlicky Collard Green Noodles
- 1 bunch of rhubarb
- Rhubarb Chutney
- Rhubarb Ginger Jam
- Rhubarb Simple Syrup
- Rhubarb Mojitos (using mint from the PYO Herb Garden)
- Rhubarb Basil Lemonade (using basil from the PYO Herb Garden)
- The byproduct was enjoyed as a Rhubarb Compote
- 1 bunch of red Russian kale
- Kale Scramble
- Green Smoothies
- 1 bag of lettuce hearts
- Enjoyed in many a lunch salad and breakfast smoothie
- Southwestern Salad
- eggs
- Kale Scramble
- Hard Boiled for Breakfast
- potatoes (not from the share, but from the Island of Mistfit Produce, only 25 cents each!)
All other veggie and fruit scraps composted unless otherwise noted.
We’ll see you back here tomorrow for the 3rd “Show” of the Summer Season! In the meantime, here’s a word from Jess…
So many dishes, so little time to talk about them all! Here are some of the “Honorable Mentions” from this week’s share box from my kitchen and the kitchens of our Fellow Springdellians!

Here’s a photo from Fellow Springdellian Dawn DeMeo, who had some fun with this Kale. She cooked up some pasta, reserving a bit of the drained liquid to then quickly cook her chiffonaded kale. This combo was joined with some Parmesan, garlic and Amish Roll Butter. Sounds delish, Dawn!

This Rhubarb Simple Syrup was made with a little sugar and water to taste. I mixed about a cup of water and 3/4 cups of sugar with the trimmed and chopped bunch of rhubarb from the share. After boiling for about 20 minutes I strained it. This syrup is great in Mojitos, Lemonade, Seltzer, and whatever other concoctions you can dream up! Even the strained rhubarb held enough sugar to make a tasty applesauce stand-in.

This tofu was awesome against the crunch of snap peas and the al-dente bite of the rice noodles. A simple sauce of soy, sesame oil, and brown sugar glazed the tofu. So good, we had it twice this week. Search the blog for a breakdown of how to cook this glazed tofu, it’s an Anderson family favorite. The version I made with Garlicky Collard Green Noodles is still a work in progress, but I think I’m close to something recipe-worthy, so stay tuned. Also note the lettuces in the background, fresh picked from the Westford Community Gardens!

I think I have discovered the magical formula for getting the one fellow in my house that doesn’t like kale to like kale. I sautéd some kale with a bit of finely diced sweet onion. (I’m finding that the onion has the effect of removing that bitter cabbagey taste that some people get when they eat kale. It seems very similar to what onions do to liver.) After the kale has wilted and the onions are soft, I tossed in some egg with a bit of heavy cream and a few feta crumbles and cooked until the eggs were set. The plate was emptied in no time!