Meatless Monday- Late Winter/Early Spring CSA Fritatta

Hello, my Fellow Springdellians!

For those reading this on the website, I apologize for the blur on the featured photo, I had a 2 year-old yanking on my sleeve and ready to eat…  Today was a super busy day in the Anderson household.  My two boys are fighting what may be the flu according to the doc.  It just seems to be lingering, poor guys. They spent most of the day in their jammies and snuggled on the couch while I cleaned up from yesterday’s festivities.  I also spent the afternoon walking the assessor through the house to take note of the many ice dam leaks.  Tonight after the boys are tucked in, I’ll be on my way to an Agricultural Commission meeting to propose a plan for the new Westford Community Garden shed.  With a busy day all around, so how do you fit in cooking a CSA dinner? Let’s give it a try!

It’s actually a perfect day for quick, easy and very fresh meal, which will incorporate 4 of the ingredients from Share Box #11, as well as several other Springdell ingredients.  We are talking about a Frittata, which is simply an elegant way of saying “open-faced omelette”.  Here’s a rough and tumble video of what I did.

I really enjoy the freshness, simplicity, and flexibility of this recipe.  I hope you do, too!  




About Jess

Jess Anderson is the creator of CSA|365 and is passionate about the local food movement. A long time member of Springdell and a busy mother of two, Jess loves keeping her family fed by honest local food.

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