Make Your Own Pizza Day- The Winter CSA Version 4

Ok, so this isn’t as much of a recipe as it is a concept… 

Every other week or so, we gather up some of the veggies from our CSA, a jar of our Springdell Summer CSA tomatoes, and some shredded mozzarella cheese for a “Make Your Own Pizza” party.  We have been doing this for years and we all love it.  My husband loves it because sometimes we experiment with different kinds of dough (including beer dough, such as this one from King Arthur Flour). My kids love it because they get to be the masters of their own pizzas and choose what goes on top. I love it because if I spread out a healthy array of toppings to choose from, I get to sit back and watch my family deliberately cook and feed themselves healthy vegetables.  It’s a win-win.  

I also find it to be a great low-key dinner idea for friends.  We often will invite folks to join us for make-your-own-pizza night when the big game is on, if there’s something fun to celebrate, or just because.  We always have fun with it.



Usually when I make up a batch of dough, I’ll make up some extras and freeze the rest in pizza portions.  If you are yeast fearing (as I myself once was) or just don’t have time to make dough happen, the markets have some and inexpensive options (I saw an organic and local bag of dough for under 1.50 recently).


A batch of ‘Dell Dough (made with Four Star Farms Flour) made last month and stored in the chest freezer.

I usually like to mix the minced garlic, oregano and sometimes other Springdell surprises right in with the diced tomatoes.  The trick to getting the veggies eaten is to put them out in plain view as you are prepping the dough.  Folks will walk by and pick at them, and that’s not a bad thing!


My favorite pizza this month was a Beet-A-Roni pizza with herbed goat cheese and winter squash puree.  It was unfortunately and accidentally devoured before the photo op, but the colors were lovely and it was absolutely delish. 


I have found that a cookie sheet is good for making pizza, just a quick spray of oil helps to keep it from sticking.  A pizza stone is even better (just forego the oil spray).  I usually have a bag of Four Star Farms Corn Meal on hand to dust under my crusts, whether using the stone or the sheet.  My boys went simple with theirs this time, 5 leaves of spinach between them.  At least they enjoyed their spinach salad on the side (and I snuck some kale powder into their sauce- SHHH!)


Grab some cheese, tomatoes, dough, and whatever else you have on hand that would be potentially appealing on a pizza.  Make it your own, and enjoy!


About Jess

Jess Anderson is the creator of CSA|365 and is passionate about the local food movement. A long time member of Springdell and a busy mother of two, Jess loves keeping her family fed by honest local food.

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4 thoughts on “Make Your Own Pizza Day- The Winter CSA Version

  • Kathleen Spaeth

    Jess, would you kindly mind Posting your Recipe for your ‘Dell Dough? I have the same ingredients and I want to try making some Fresh Dough myself. Your Dough looks lovely!

    • Jess Post author

      Thanks, Kathleen! My dough is still a work in progress so I was reluctant to post the recipe, but this is my most recent version. I updated the post to include it on the bottom. Thanks for asking and as always, would love to hear your thoughts/feedback/variations!

  • Kathleen Spaeth

    Thank you Jess. I will try your Recipe this weekend, since we are expecting another big snowstorm and making a Fresh Pizza (or two) would be fun (and romantic) too. I Love how everyone can make their own Pizza based on the toppings that they want to try.

  • Kathleen Spaeth

    I finally had the opportunity, and the time while another snow storm was falling this past Sunday Afternoon, to try this Pizza Dough Recipe. With my first batch of Dough, I ended up making two batches, I accidentally used Whole Wheat Pastry Flour. Whoops I need to label my Pantry Storage Containers better! Pastry Flour is thinner than Whole Wheat (All Purpose) Flour. So I ended up with a very soupy mix, but waste not want not, and I ended up doubling up the Pastry Flour with 4 Cups and adding 1 Cup of the Whole Wheat (All Purpose) Flour. After 2 hours of sitting and rising, covered on my kitchen counter, I ended up with a delicious and very tasty Pizza Crust. Sometimes I make the best food from my mistakes! I rolled out the “small” mistake Pizza Crust, after I cut it in half, and we all really enjoyed a delicious home-made Pizza (baked on my Large Pizza Stone at 400 degrees for 15 minutes). I now have 3 ‘Dell Doughs, in my Freezer, for future use. Thank you!