I have some veggies that remind me of the island of the misfit produce at Springdell. There is a bin at the farm stand with veggies that are sold at a discounted price because they are maybe not as pretty, a little wilted or bruised but still totally usable, crying put to be eaten. In the summertime, when the misfit bin arrives, I often swipe all of the zucchini and shred it to make and freeze zucchini bread, but I digress. Back to the island of misfits at my house. I looked and found just one sweet potato from a past share, I had two turnips from last week and 2 parsnips that looked like if I didn’t use them today they may mummify or something. Our motto on the CSA365 blog is that we cannot let any veggie go unloved. It’s time to get to work on these misfits.
I washed, peeled and shredded these guys in my food processor. Veggies can carry a lot of liquid and that doesn’t help when you are making pancakes so you need to give them time to drain. I put a clean kitchen towel in a colander and let the shredded veggies sit there for 10-15 minutes. I then wring the veggies out over the sink to squeeze out any liquid I can. The drier they are the better the pancake holds together.
Into a bowl goes the shredded veggies, egg, flour, salt and pepper. Mix it together until well combined, you want all of the vs needs to be coated. Then set up a station with a hot skillet and oil, a dish with paper towels to hold the cooked pancakes and your bowl of, well, basically mush at this point.
Taking small mound fills of the mixture, carefully put them into the hot skillet and squish them down a bit. Cook them about 3 minutes per side, until they are brown and crispy.
You don’t want to over crowd the pan so cook only a few at a time. To keep them warm you can put a dish in the oven at a low 175 degrees, just keep adding the cooked pancakes to he dish as you go.
When they are all cooked you can serve them with applesauce or sour cream. They were tender, with a bit of a crunch still, sweet and delicious. Misfits? I think not. Enjoy!